
05th of November in 2017, That day was special for us.This was the first time of camping on a mountain.  I have followed many traveling pages on Facebook. Accidentally I saw beautiful artical about Yahangala. I have never heard about that mountain.Then unforceddly built a Queriosity in my mind, what is this place,why is this place is special.So i wanted to see this place by on my eyes
                  Our team was only 3 Friends. Then we met at 11.30 am at the Sri Dhalada Maligawa. Little time ago I wanted to camping on a mountain.But i hadn't any chance to do it and i hadn't camping tent for it. Eventhough i was lucky.Had a friend and he was from University of  Peradeniya. Also another happiest thin ,he is the member of Travelling guide club in university.So we went to there and got  the tent for a Night. after that we moved back to kandy town from the university. when i plane  this hike, i discovered many of information about yahangala ,what is nearest village or town from it And Weather Condition. Because of this experience first time to us. Otherwise We wouldn't get that feeling  better.

As per the information,  Kalugala Village was the nearest way point to the mountain. we walked to the Good shed Bus stand. But  anyone of us didn't know, what is the Shortest bus route to there. Then we wanted some help.So i asked about that from bus conductors.As their said, we want to get two or more buses to reach the village.Main trouble was manage the time. Eventhough as that time we hadn't any option instead it.When we got the bus time was at nearly 12.45 p.m.

Around at 2.00 p.m we reached the Hunnasgiriya. We spent 1 1/2 hour for it.Unfortunately hunnasgiriya is the final destinaion of that bus.I should say another intrest think is that hunnasgiriya junction devide to the two ways. a one road is approach road to Meemure Village. Another is the main road and it connect to the Ududhumbara town. Among that time We met a guy who belonged to the meemure village.And he waited to a vehicle.Because the after 12.00 p.m There is no any bus to go there.So we could spend little time with him.

mountain Range
Still i think that time was very intresting for us.He Described about many of beautiful places in the village.As his talk, he must had many experience and he keep trust about him in our mind.we forgot the time because of him.As his words we can climb the yahangala through the meemure village.I
recommend if u have enough time and get that experience. How ever we waited one hour for a one hour and  could get another bus to Ududhumbara.
Morning Session

After moved to ududhumbara town we had to get another bus to kalugala village.Hmm Finally when we reached to the kalugala,time was at 4.00p.m. Village was new to us,villagers were new to us.So we wanted help from their.We didn't forget close to them.But unfortunately we give heard,that time wasn't right decision to climb the mountain.Also This village became thread by elephants.How ever  we didn't like to go back and we reached to a camping site. When that time was 4.45 pm.Nearly have 3 - 4 km to the site from village

Woooow!!!. We could see the top of the yahangala Mountain infront of us.That is amzing. Yahangala  and Forest around it, protect by a god and they called as "Galebandara Deviyan". Normally People believe the great king Ravana's body kept after his death on this rock.Also according to the villegeres words, we should keep our behavior in best.Otherwise will Punished by different ways.Such as the Elephants attacks,lost in the jungle,etc.
On camping site, we can see the Minipe canel , lakegala Mountain (Meemure) , Many of paddy fields, Kehelpathdoruwaawa Mountain range , Kuwenigala  and Telambugala. On other side we could see Mahaveli river , Sora bora and Hasalaka resvoirs.

So we decided to spend night at that camping site. Because of  Hadn't good weather condition to continue our journey.And we need to do more things things to set the camping tent.Because of that was the very first time camping on a mountain😂😃.Then let's we see another greatest place by  next artical.

" Finally I have to say something. Addict to love the wild.so rarely use the polythene.keep only your foot marks.And we must save this amazing place to future.That's the our responsible. So i lovely invite to get this great experience.!!. "

Bus Route:-

                   Colombo Fort(Pettah) - Kandy Town - Turn left by Thennakumbura junction -                                       Hunnasgiriya (Digana Road) - Ududhumbara - Kalugala village.

Arrival Time:-

                    Colombo(Pettah) to kalugala - Nearly 5 Hours.(Through kandy - Mahiyanganaya road)

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